Alpenflow 2024

ATTENTION: Registration open & program online


When: 23.-25.5.2024

Where: Kongress & TheaterHaus Bad Ischl, Bad Ischl, Austria

The Austrian Society for Cytometry organizes its 4th Alpenflow meeting. The conference will once again take place in the Congress & TheaterHaus, Bad Ischl, this Year’s European Capital of Culture in the middle of the beautiful Salzkammergut.

The program is aimed at an interdisciplinary platform for basic, translational and clinical scientists and includes presentations and workshops by national and international experts. In addition, highly attractive workshops are organized by invited companies.

The scientific program will be organized around core themes:

  • Multiparameter Flow
  • Multiparameter Imaging
  • Bioinformatics
  • Extracellular Vesicles
  • Microbiology
  • new technologies presented in the workshops


We are looking forward to welcoming Peter Habeler as a guest speaker. Peter Habeler is a passionate professional mountaineer and the first person, together with Reinhold Messner, to reach the summit of Mt. Everest without supplemental oxygen in 1978. Peter will talk about „Lebenslanges Bergsteigen“.


Please download the program here: Program Alpenflow 2024

Please register latest until Wednesday, 8th May 2024: Registration to the Alpenflow 2024


Hotel reservation

For hotel reservation use the following link: Hotel reservation


Sponsors of the Alpenflow 2024

The organizers are GRATEFUL to the companies for their generous support of the Alpenflow.

Sponsors of the AlpenFlow 2024

Hyperflow 2023

When: 11.-12.5.2023

Where: Kuppelsaal, TU Vienna

The Austrian Society for Cytometry organizes its annual meeting Hyperflow together with the Computer Vision Lab, Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology of  the TU Vienna on May 11th & 12th, 2023 in the „Kuppelsaal“ of the TU, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna.

This year’s program  includes Multicolor, Microbiology, Data Analysis and Extracellular Vesicles. You can download the program with all information for registration/participation here: Program Hyperflow 2023

Alpenflow 2022

20 (+ 0.5) years Austrian Society for Cytometry 

We would like to celebrate two decades of our society with you at the Alpenflow in Bad Ischl.


When: 18.–21.5.2022

Where: Kongress & TheaterHaus Bad Ischl, Bad Ischl, Austria

The Austrian Society for Cytometry organizes its 3rd Alpenflow meeting. The conference will once again take place in the Congress & TheaterHaus Bad Ischl in the middle of the beautiful Salzkammergut.

The program is aimed at an interdisciplinary platform for basic, translational and clinical scientists and includes presentations and workshops by national and international experts. In addition, highly attractive workshops are organized by invited companies.

The scientific program will be organized around core themes:

  • immunodeficiencies / clinical hematology
  • bioinformatics
  • multi-parameter imaging
  • extracellular vesicles
  • microbiology
  • liquor diagnosis

We look forward to welcoming Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner as a guest speaker. Ms. Kaltenbrunner, a professional mountaineer out of passion, will speak about „Reaching 8000 – shift your limits“. For detailed information please follow this link


Safety Regulations CoVID-19: Please download the Safety Regulations AlpenFlow 2022 COVID-19 

The 3G regulation applies to visiting the Alpenflow (vaccinated, recovered or tested). A corresponding confirmation must be carried and will be checked when entering the Kongress & TheaterHaus.

Wearing a FFP2 mask is recommended during the meeting.


The program can be downloaded following this link: Program Alpenflow 2022

You can register to the Alpenflow 2022 following this link: Registration Alpenflow 2022


ISAC-LETF Cytometry Workshop, Vienna, 2.-4. September 2022

Flyer  Program Overview  Final Program  Modules & Tracks Faculty


Registration closed 

The Live Education Delivery Task Force (LETF) of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC) organizes an educational event with practical sessions in the Central and Eastern Europe every year.

This year the 1st Vienna ISAC Cytometry Workshop will take place in Vienna. The workshop is organized by the Medical University of Vienna and the Austrian Society for Cytometry under the aegis of LETF and the ISAC.

The workshop is intended for 60 cytometrists from Eastern & Central Europe for the practical sessions with an additional 50 for the lectures only. The program suits different levels and varied interests, with a good grounding in the basics up to the latest techniques in flow cytometry. Lectures and workshops will consist of 9-10 basic to advanced modules, with practical sessions in parallel over a duration of 3 days.

International ISAC members will act as highly competent and enthusiastic faculty lecturers, some of the best in their field. The participants are warmly invited to take the opportunity to exchange ideas in a pleasant atmosphere.

Venue: Medical University of Vienna, Währinger Gürtel 18-10, 1090 Vienna – lecture hall center, level 8

For further information and to view the main topics please download the Flyer of the First Announcement.

The Program Overview can be downloaded here: ISAC-LETF Vienna 2022.

The final Program is here available: ISAC-LETF Program (final version). A printed version is also available on site.

A Detailed Description of Modules and Tracks are available here: Modules & Tracks

You find the Bios of the Faculty here



Andreas Spittler (Medical University Vienna)

Awtar Krishan & Zosia Maciorowski (ISAC)

Tomas Kalina (ISAC & Charles University Prague)



The organizers would like to sincerely thank their sponsors for their generous support


Platinum Sponsors



Silver Sponsors




KURS – Einführung in die Durchflusszytometrie 2024

Wann: 16. – 18. September 2024

Wo: AKH Wien

Der zweieinhalbtägige Einführungskurs für Anwender ohne oder mit geringen Vorkenntnissen vermittelt Basiswissen zu praktischen Anwendungen der Durchflusszytometrie mit Hands-On Möglichkeiten an Geräten unterschiedlicher Hersteller.

Die Aufarbeitung und Präsentation theoretischen Wissens durch Anwender mit langjähriger Erfahrung ermöglicht den Teilnehmern einen raschen, effizienten und zielorientierten Zugang zu dieser faszinierenden, ständig an Bedeutung gewinnenden Technologie.

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